Here Goes Nothing

Welcome to my crazy life. At 32, I thought that I would be in a much different place, but LIFE happened. I had my first child at 19, and set out to make sure I could take care of her and myself. Later, I had 2 other children which kept me pretty busy. Apparently, not busy enough, because then I met a guy who had 2 children of his own, so now we are pushing Brady Bunch status, minus an Alice of course.

Everyday life keeps us pretty busy with school, work, sports and hobbies so trying to get any time to myself or work on a decent relationship with the guy in my life proves to a magic trick in itself. Mostly, we find time to talk about our busy day after bedtime if either of us are still awake enough to talk. Sometimes, I feel like we are just drifting through each day, then week, month….year and worry that at some point we are going to lose contact with each other altogether (even living in the same house). With that being said, I’m hoping that this is a way to get things off my chest so that I don’t find myself arguing over things that neither of us can control and focus on the things that we can. I often find myself telling my closest friends about the everyday struggles, with the response, “it only happens to you” or “if you weren’t telling me this, I wouldn’t believe it.” Both of these left me wondering, “does this shit really only happen to me? And oftentimes, confirming that if the strange scenario that just played out in my own life had happened to someone else, I would be left wondering if their life was just that crazy, or if they were craving attention so bad they had to make something up so that the spotlight of life was on them.

My goal in creating this blog, is to let off some steam, provide a laugh, and hopefully give someone some reassurance that life is crazy, and that yes, maybe there’s someone out there that is going through the same thing.

Author: fromtheotherside911

Mom of 3, co-parent, girlfriend

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